View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020530Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2025-02-23 14:07
ReporterReturnOfReckoning Assigned ToNatherul  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0020530: Guild lead auto promote doesn't work
DescriptionReporter: sioding

**Expected behavior and actual behavior:**
When the guild lead isn't active for more than 30 days the next active officer should be promoted as an active guild leader.
Its not a problem when the guild lead comes back even after more than 30 days but we have scenarios where guild leads will
never come back anymore aka permanent banned.

**Steps to reproduce the problem:**
Be a guild lead
Don't be active for 30 days
Login again after 31 days - you are still guild lead

**Testing Screenshots/Videos/Evidences (always needed):**
Example: Guild: Agony Leader: Orcboyz Banned: July 2022 - is still the guild lead.




2023-08-13 04:36

reporter   ~0038912

Commenter: akalukz

This has been resolved, Orcboyz is no longer the Guild Leader.


2023-08-13 04:36

reporter   ~0038913

Commenter: Hadan93

Hello, My guild and I have recently returned to RoR after 6+ month break and my leader role was given to an officer of the guild on 10/18/22. We waited for the 30days to be up and he's still the current guild leader as the role hasn't swapped. I'm assuming the function worked last month as it passed leadership from me to him so not sure what happened this time around.

Character that needs to be given leadership- Haden


2023-08-13 04:36

reporter   ~0038914

Commenter: wargrimnir

This function runs on server boot after time has expired provided the person had not logged on. Check back next week.


2023-08-13 04:36

reporter   ~0038915

Commenter: akalukz

> Hello, My guild and I have recently returned to RoR after 6+ month break and my leader role was given to an officer of the guild on 10/18/22. We waited for the 30days to be up and he's still the current guild leader as the role hasn't swapped. I'm assuming the function worked last month as it passed leadership from me to him so not sure what happened this time around.
> Guild:Krew Character that needs to be given leadership- Haden

It took 90 days for us.


2023-08-13 04:36

reporter   ~0038916

Commenter: Hadan93

> This function runs on server boot after time has expired provided the person had not logged on. Check back next week.

Any particular day we should be looking for? No changes in leadership yet.


2023-08-13 04:36

reporter   ~0038917

Commenter: Hadan93

Just wanted to give an update as of today 12-01-22 the guild leader role hasn't been updated


2023-08-13 04:36

reporter   ~0038918

Commenter: akalukz

most likely will be after Jan 18


2023-08-13 04:36

reporter   ~0038919

Commenter: MGKinney

I'd like to report that this bug is still occurring. The guild lead of the destro guild Omega (Ceriesi) has not logged in since 10/28 and guild leadership has not been transferred.


2025-02-23 09:19

developer   ~0046232

Is this still an issue? The time is not 30 days it is 60 however.


2025-02-23 14:04

developer   ~0046234

fix pending

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning New Issue
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning Tag Attached: Guilds
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning Note Added: 0038912
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning Note Added: 0038913
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning Note Added: 0038914
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning Note Added: 0038915
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning Note Added: 0038916
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning Note Added: 0038917
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning Note Added: 0038918
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning Note Added: 0038919
2025-02-23 09:18 Natherul Assigned To => Natherul
2025-02-23 09:18 Natherul Status new => assigned
2025-02-23 09:19 Natherul Note Added: 0046232
2025-02-23 09:19 Natherul Tag Attached: 2 Week Ultimatum
2025-02-23 14:03 Natherul Tag Detached: 2 Week Ultimatum
2025-02-23 14:04 Natherul Status assigned => resolved
2025-02-23 14:04 Natherul Resolution open => fixed
2025-02-23 14:04 Natherul Note Added: 0046234