View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021131Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2024-11-12 20:02
Reporterloranbg Assigned ToEmissary  
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Summary0021131: Rolling Need on item registers as pass, item lost
DescriptionBloodlord hauberk dropped, I selected need but it registered as a pass or something, because I did not receive it. The chat log also did not say if I needed or passed. Everyone else selected greed, and the guy that won through the greed roll said he doesnt have the hauberk in this inventory so essentially the item was lost completely. I am unsure if this is related to a previous member leaving right before the loots are handed out, or if this is something else related to Kaarn himself, as that room's teleporter can be buggy and port you outside the dungeon as well.
Additional InformationI have marked this as major, as this is the last boss people do in BS, and doing BS can also take a considerable amount of time, as well as being somewhat difficult to pug with the right people.
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2023-10-24 19:31


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-10-24 19:31 loranbg New Issue
2023-10-24 19:31 loranbg File Added: rP0hUa8QS_yvrfczQZ007Q.png
2024-11-12 20:02 Emissary Assigned To => Emissary
2024-11-12 20:02 Emissary Status new => closed
2024-11-12 20:02 Emissary Resolution open => unable to reproduce