View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0022717Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2024-05-29 17:09
ReporterUberlix Assigned ToHazmy  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Summary0022717: Gold RvR Bags do not give gear pieces, no matter which "stage" of RR my character was when obtaining them
DescriptionMy cr38rr55 WE got a gold bag upon locking Tala earlier today (22.05.2024), but the gold back did NOT contain a Vanquisher Gear Piece, like it should.

I have two gold bags from earlier stages of rr progress in the bank, where it is the same (1 with 2 gold and 10 silver coins among other rewards, one with 3 gold and 30 silver coin and one with 1 gold and 35 silver coins)

Opened all three bags, didn't choose any rewards yet because i am still undecided if i will take crests or genesis pieces from them.

Don't know my CR and RR from the two "lower rr level" bags and what the date was when i got those, but like i said the Vanquisher one i got when my WE was cr38rr55 on 22.05.2024.
Steps To ReproduceGet an gold bag from rvr and open it, pray a gear piece is inside. Maybe it magically changes once my character hits cr40? My rr83 choppa got a vanq piece out of a gold piece just fine weeks before, too bad i am well past beyond the point of needing a Vanq Chest x(
Additional InformationVideo that is hopefully properly attached will show evidence.

Also, i cri ;-(
Tagsbug, Currency, Loot, Open RvR


duplicate of 0022660 resolvedHazmy No item in orvr gold bag. 




2024-05-22 07:02


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-05-22 07:02 Uberlix New Issue
2024-05-22 07:02 Uberlix Tag Attached: bug
2024-05-22 07:02 Uberlix Tag Attached: Currency
2024-05-22 07:02 Uberlix Tag Attached: Loot
2024-05-22 07:02 Uberlix Tag Attached: Open RvR
2024-05-22 07:02 Uberlix File Added: WHEREIZMEGEAR.mp4
2024-05-22 11:14 Hazmy Assigned To => Hazmy
2024-05-22 11:14 Hazmy Status new => assigned
2024-05-29 17:09 Hazmy Status assigned => closed
2024-05-29 17:09 Hazmy Resolution open => duplicate
2024-05-29 17:09 Hazmy Relationship added duplicate of 0022660