View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0022906Return of ReckoningAbilitiespublic2024-06-27 16:19
ReporterTopdude Assigned ToNatherul  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary0022906: Forceful Bolts I doesn't work
DescriptionBanner tactic to boost ranged crit by 2 applies when banner is first pulled but then disappears after a second.
Steps To ReproducePull a banner with this tactic applied while your ranged crit is showing in the character window. It will boost by 2 then quickly disappear
Tags2 Week Ultimatum, Guildbanner




2024-06-27 16:19

developer   ~0043730

tried it now by both holding banner and planting it, buff stays active.

Please provide more details. Adding 2 week ultimatum tag

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-06-21 19:09 Topdude New Issue
2024-06-21 19:09 Topdude Tag Attached: Guildbanner
2024-06-22 01:23 Emissary Assigned To => Natherul
2024-06-22 01:23 Emissary Status new => assigned
2024-06-27 16:19 Natherul Note Added: 0043730
2024-06-27 16:19 Natherul Tag Attached: 2 Week Ultimatum