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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023777Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2025-01-25 13:06
Reportersilens Assigned ToR1CH  
Status feedbackResolutionreopened 
Summary0023777: Marauder and the offhand weapon question for dual wielding
DescriptionWhen purchasing a weapon for a Marauder, the offhand tooltip appears red, misleading players into thinking the Marauder cannot use an offhand weapon. In reality, they can! While there is no dual-wield passive for the Marauder, there should be one to make it more convenient for new players and clarify that the Marauder can use dual-wielding in the offhand as well, while also preventing the offhand tooltip from showing as red.

Steps To ReproduceGo to vendor, hover your mouse over a usable weapon. Observe that only the main-hand is in white text, and off-hand is in red text
TagsNo tags attached.




2024-12-20 10:59

reporter   ~0045799

Adding screenshot for clarity.

Offhand red, yet it is equippable, while at the same time there's no Dual-wielding passive in the abilities.


2024-12-20 22:03

reporter   ~0045805

common tooltip error afaik


2024-12-20 22:32

reporter   ~0045806

yepp and it needs to be fixed. since im new to this game, i was using my marauder for days until i realized i can use off-hand... it's very misleading towards new players. needs to be fixed asap, so that destro players at least know to equip their weapons :D


2025-01-02 08:31

developer   ~0045905

Everything looks set up properly on the server, it's set up exactly like the Slayer's dual wield but the client isn't accepting the package on Marauder for some reason. Unfortunately without a packet capture from live to see how this worked I don't think it's feasible to fix without reverse engineering the client to see why this is happening.


2025-01-25 13:06

reporter   ~0046038

Tell me what to do and I'll provide infos

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-20 00:24 silens New Issue
2024-12-20 10:59 silens Note Added: 0045799
2024-12-20 10:59 silens File Added: Képernyőkép_20241220_115822.png
2024-12-20 22:03 gersy Note Added: 0045805
2024-12-20 22:32 silens Note Added: 0045806
2024-12-31 15:09 Emissary Assigned To => R1CH
2024-12-31 15:09 Emissary Status new => assigned
2025-01-02 08:31 R1CH Status assigned => closed
2025-01-02 08:31 R1CH Resolution open => not fixable
2025-01-02 08:31 R1CH Note Added: 0045905
2025-01-25 13:06 silens Status closed => feedback
2025-01-25 13:06 silens Resolution not fixable => reopened
2025-01-25 13:06 silens Note Added: 0046038