Bullets and Jagged are considered procs, procs per latest dev decision aren't boosted by +%dmg. |
This was the solution for too much Proc dmg. Well surprise they only had to Change WPN DMG PROCS. 360dmg proc became 540 easily with Choppa/Slayer. In AoR if wpn had 360 dmg proc, that was the absolute max dmg that proc ever could do, and highest dmg in AoR i seen on 360 proc was 350 something. So they nerf the dmg of BW/SORC/WP/DOK prayers etc and nerf the tactics, but in AoR them tactics only affected the player not the grp (the dmg increases) and this should be the solution here as well.
Jagged Edge + Bullets both should increase with flanking and Vindication but not Wp Prayer. But if you are WP and use 25% Divine fury dmg, it worked on the prayers obviously as well. Btw Riposte Could Crit in AoR as well. |
Yea i agree with that especially with the bullet who don't feel like a "proc" but more as a base wh damage, its not like wh could spin and spam proc aoe.
Also jagged edge is scaling with strenght (the bullet don't scale except from leveling the concerned tree) but can't be boost by those tactic, it feel a bit weird too. |
It's intended. Bullets and JE are considered procs and the proc change make it so %modifiers will not buff them. |
Not a bug indeed, but I did add "does not affect damage procs" to the tooltip. Will be visible in next patch. |