Reporter | Loken0891 | Assigned To | Zumos | |
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | |
Summary | 0023804: [SM] Blurring Shock ability procs Blessing of Heaven |
Description | The swordmaster ability "Blurring Shock" (Path of Khaine) procs the effect of "Blessing of Heaven" (Path of Hoeth), which should not, since the tactic says only Path of Hoeth abilities |
Steps To Reproduce | Target dummy in Altdorf, slot the Tactic "Blessing of Heaven", go to perfect balance and use "Blurring Shock". |
Additional Information | Works every time. It seems "Blurring Shock" counts as a ability from the Path of Hoeth |
Tags | "tactic" |