View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023907Return of ReckoningAbilitiespublic2025-01-27 01:06
ReporterKlammy Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0023907: Gift of brutality second tier of mutation models, small visual bug
DescriptionThis has been a small visual bug since the OG game. When you unlock the second tier of visuals for the Marauder mutations, one of the gift of brutality arm models has a little floating fractal that floats above your character.
Steps To ReproduceUnlock second tier of visuals for marauder.

Get the arm model that looks like a curved blade.

If you are viewing your character from the front, the little fractal piece will be floating above and to left your character. From the back it's diagonally to the right of your character. It's easier to see in bright environments.
Additional InformationJust a small visual bug that's been in since the original game that's always driven me crazy.
TagsNo tags attached.




2025-01-26 22:24




2025-01-26 22:45

reporter   ~0046049

It seems to just be the curved blade model that has that little fractal, regardless of whether it's the model that covers more of your arm, or the curved blade one that covers less of your arm. Like the model present in the video.


2025-01-27 01:06

reporter   ~0046053

floaty.png (533,387 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-26 22:24 Klammy New Issue
2025-01-26 22:24 Klammy File Added: Visual bug 480p.mp4
2025-01-26 22:45 Klammy Note Added: 0046049
2025-01-27 01:06 Klammy Note Added: 0046053
2025-01-27 01:06 Klammy File Added: floaty.png