View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023929Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2025-02-05 19:34
ReporterLilyKatzchen Assigned ToEmissary  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0023929: Twitch Drops - Starter Talisman Chest
DescriptionHello Team,

The Starter Talisman Chest just dropped for my account, upon using it to gear up one of my new characters the talismans that came out of the box had no stats. Even after I slotted one of them into the gear (See pictures).
Steps To ReproduceUnsure as I can only get one copy from the twitch drop.
Additional InformationUpon relogging and restarting the game, they still were not displaying any additional stats.
Tagsbugs, Stats, talisman insertion




2025-01-31 21:20


buggedTwitchTalisman.png (531,686 bytes)
buggedTwitchTalisman2.png (153,511 bytes)   
buggedTwitchTalisman2.png (153,511 bytes)   
buggedTwitchTalisman3.png (152,672 bytes)   
buggedTwitchTalisman3.png (152,672 bytes)   
buggedTwitchTalisman4.png (185,066 bytes)   
buggedTwitchTalisman4.png (185,066 bytes)   
buggedTwitchTalisman5.png (161,164 bytes)   
buggedTwitchTalisman5.png (161,164 bytes)   
buggedTwitchTalisman6.png (144,829 bytes)   
buggedTwitchTalisman6.png (144,829 bytes)   
buggedTwitchTalisman7.png (181,882 bytes)   
buggedTwitchTalisman7.png (181,882 bytes)   
buggedTwitchTalisman8.png (308,092 bytes)


2025-02-05 16:28

reporter   ~0046134

This issue has now been fixed in the latest hotfix along with the Scorpion's Embrace item. Thank you guys! <3

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-31 21:20 LilyKatzchen New Issue
2025-01-31 21:20 LilyKatzchen Tag Attached: bugs
2025-01-31 21:20 LilyKatzchen Tag Attached: Stats
2025-01-31 21:20 LilyKatzchen Tag Attached: talisman insertion
2025-01-31 21:20 LilyKatzchen File Added: buggedTwitchTalisman.png
2025-01-31 21:20 LilyKatzchen File Added: buggedTwitchTalisman2.png
2025-01-31 21:20 LilyKatzchen File Added: buggedTwitchTalisman3.png
2025-01-31 21:20 LilyKatzchen File Added: buggedTwitchTalisman4.png
2025-01-31 21:20 LilyKatzchen File Added: buggedTwitchTalisman5.png
2025-01-31 21:20 LilyKatzchen File Added: buggedTwitchTalisman6.png
2025-01-31 21:20 LilyKatzchen File Added: buggedTwitchTalisman7.png
2025-01-31 21:20 LilyKatzchen File Added: buggedTwitchTalisman8.png
2025-01-31 21:28 R1CH Status new => confirmed
2025-02-05 16:28 LilyKatzchen Note Added: 0046134
2025-02-05 19:34 Emissary Assigned To => Emissary
2025-02-05 19:34 Emissary Status confirmed => resolved
2025-02-05 19:34 Emissary Resolution open => fixed