View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023935Return of ReckoningDungeonspublic2025-02-06 16:25
ReporterDunmar Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0023935: Respawn put me on the other side of a boss wall I could not cross
DescriptionWe were doing mount Gunbad and we got wiped at Masta Wrangla Glix.

I was the last to die and when I clicked respawn I was spawned at the other side of the boss wall blocking off the next section meaning I could not rejoin the group. I could fire through the wall from a very specific position shown in screen shot. I would not have been able to do anything if I was a melee class.
Steps To ReproduceI died near the red wall pulling back from the boss and his mob spawns as the last survivor when I died
TagsMount Gunbad




2025-02-01 23:45

reporter   ~0046110

Orimmak_000.jpg (279,169 bytes)


2025-02-06 15:41

manager   ~0046141

so when you died the game thought you were zoning because you were at the portal to exit? So once you got out of combat at death it teleported you out. Is that what you are saying?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-01 22:38 Dunmar New Issue
2025-02-01 22:38 Dunmar Tag Attached: Mount Gunbad
2025-02-01 23:45 Dunmar Note Added: 0046110
2025-02-01 23:45 Dunmar File Added: Orimmak_000.jpg
2025-02-06 15:41 Emissary Note Added: 0046141