View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023983Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2025-02-16 15:00
ReporterLilyKatzchen Assigned ToR1CH  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0023983: Ram unable to start backswing on Keep sieges
DescriptionStarted a ram in Shadowlands, upon reaching the enemy keep the ram was positioned correctly (multiple times, and re-placed multiple times) on the door. Multiple people tried to enter the ram and every one who tried was kicked to the artillery interaction menu where the hotbar shows to do certain actions with siege equipment (i.e. enter aim mode for cannons etc.). It left us unable to begin a backswing, or to siege.
Steps To ReproduceUnsure if this was a one time occurance, it was an Empire Ram that was used on Cascades of Thunder destro controlled Keep. Simultaneously a siege was done in Kadrin Valley with a greenskin ram on the order controlled Kazad Dammaz Keep which did work and damage the door.

Additional InformationCascade of Thunder shadowlands Keep was also 2 stars in case that matters.
Tagsbug, Open RvR, Ram, Siege




2025-02-16 03:01


UnabletoStartBackswing.png (1,870,958 bytes)
UnabletoStartBackswing2.png (1,494,922 bytes)


2025-02-16 15:00

developer   ~0046198

Fix pending.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-16 03:01 LilyKatzchen New Issue
2025-02-16 03:01 LilyKatzchen Tag Attached: bug
2025-02-16 03:01 LilyKatzchen Tag Attached: Open RvR
2025-02-16 03:01 LilyKatzchen Tag Attached: Ram
2025-02-16 03:01 LilyKatzchen Tag Attached: Siege
2025-02-16 03:01 LilyKatzchen File Added: UnabletoStartBackswing.png
2025-02-16 03:01 LilyKatzchen File Added: UnabletoStartBackswing2.png
2025-02-16 13:51 R1CH Assigned To => R1CH
2025-02-16 13:51 R1CH Status new => assigned
2025-02-16 15:00 R1CH Status assigned => resolved
2025-02-16 15:00 R1CH Resolution open => fixed
2025-02-16 15:00 R1CH Note Added: 0046198