View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023985Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2025-02-16 13:58
ReporterYshra Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0023985: Low HP when Lvl Up
DescriptionIn tier 1, when you lvl up, you suddenly have very low HP. When it happens in scenarios or RVR, you are very likely to be killed in 1 shot then, even if you were full HP before the lvl up.
Dont know if this still happens after tier 1.
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2025-02-16 13:39

reporter   ~0046194

Actually, I was very low lvl when it happened, lvl 3. Maybe later even in Tier 1, it's no more the case.


2025-02-16 13:47

reporter   ~0046195

Were you bolstered when this happened?


2025-02-16 13:50

reporter   ~0046196

Yes I was. I was doing a scenario. Probably the bolster is not taken into account. And the Hp then is wrong.


2025-02-16 13:58

reporter   ~0046197

yeah, sorry, the title and description are not very clear. It's only in scenarios and RVR, not in PVE.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-16 13:34 Yshra New Issue
2025-02-16 13:39 Yshra Note Added: 0046194
2025-02-16 13:47 Rydiak Note Added: 0046195
2025-02-16 13:50 Yshra Note Added: 0046196
2025-02-16 13:58 Yshra Note Added: 0046197