View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0024008Return of ReckoningQuestspublic2025-02-25 12:39
ReporterKarl Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0024008: 2-Piece Bonus Explorer Kit sets - one step is bugged
DescriptionWhen trying to get the 2-Piece Bonus Explorer Kit sets you need to follow some steps and click items in pve.
Guide can be found here

One of the steps for Dark Elf is bugged and that is the Battered Amulet - Preserved Skeleton , Chapter 6, The Shadowlands (15.5k, 13k). It is not enabled and can not be clicked. I have revisited it efter several server reboots without and luck.

Steps To ReproduceGo to Preserved Skeleton , Chapter 6, The Shadowlands (15.5k, 13k)
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2025-02-21 11:11




2025-02-24 04:12

developer   ~0046237

Hi, are you certain you have not done this quest before? Can you try to do it on another character that is not the sorceress? What level are you? The quest is minimum level 12. Any additional information can help.


2025-02-25 12:22

reporter   ~0046242

Hi, no I have not done the quest before - can try it on another toon.

The other part in the "quest chanin" where you need to talk to a guy trapped under horse (Unicorn Horn - Unconscious Warrior , Chapter 7, The Shadowlands (22k, 58.5k)) was bugged as well, with no dialog option - However i revisited him after a server reboot and it was sorted.

The sorc was lvl 14 at the time i think, all other items in the quest chain were available.



2025-02-25 12:39

reporter   ~0046243

Hi again, logged my We and the corps is clickable (didn't click in case of CD), so i relogged my Sorc and it's still not clickable...

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-21 11:11 Karl New Issue
2025-02-21 11:11 Karl File Added: Skärmbild 2025-02-21 120221.png
2025-02-21 11:11 Karl File Added: Skärmbild 2025-02-21 121054.png
2025-02-24 04:12 ekalime Note Added: 0046237
2025-02-25 12:22 Karl Note Added: 0046242
2025-02-25 12:39 Karl Note Added: 0046243
2025-02-25 12:39 Karl File Added: Skärmbild 2025-02-25 133830.png
2025-02-25 12:39 Karl File Added: Skärmbild 2025-02-25 133506.png