View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0024020Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2025-02-26 21:47
Reportervvolvvox Assigned ToR1CH  
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary0024020: A certain item replaced after disconnecting from the server.
DescriptionAs a Chosen class, I bought a conqueror helmet from vendor (for Chosen). Moments after - got disconnected. Upon quick relogging the helmet item in inventory was replaced with conqueror belt for Disciple of Khaine class, the war crests are missing as if I actually paid for conqueror's helmet.
TagsCrests, Items




2025-02-24 22:54




2025-02-26 21:13

manager   ~0046249

we do not do refunds for items at this time, we can look into why/how this happened but we do not normally refund/replace items. thank you.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-24 22:54 vvolvvox New Issue
2025-02-24 22:54 vvolvvox Tag Attached: Crests
2025-02-24 22:54 vvolvvox Tag Attached: Items
2025-02-24 22:54 vvolvvox File Added: postdisconnect itemswap.png
2025-02-26 21:13 Emissary Note Added: 0046249
2025-02-26 21:14 Emissary Assigned To => R1CH
2025-02-26 21:14 Emissary Status new => assigned