View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0024038Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2025-03-02 18:59
ReporterF4llen4ngel Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0024038: Disrupt strikethrough value form getstats vs. applied tactics and gear
Descriptionclass: Archmage
name: Brokenam
.getstats disrupt strikethrough value is 16%
i have Discerning offence: 10%
victorius gloves gives 3%
opressor head gives another 3%
its 16
i have 927 intelligence, thats +9.3% disrupt strikethrough
i have also Increased Conductivity thats 15% extra disrupt strikethrough for Path of Assuryan abilities.
That combined is above 40% but the reason i started to see wth is going on is the amount of disrupt i got. Definitely not 16%.




2025-03-01 22:46


disrupt_values.png (720,419 bytes)


2025-03-02 18:59

reporter   ~0046279

Intelligence will not show its strikethrough on that line in getstats (I believe the message that is sent at the very top of getstats even points this out) as that line will only flat disrupt strikethrough. Increased Conductivity will also not show on that line because it is strikethrough that is only applied to one mastery tree, not everything you do. So 10% + 3% + 3% = 16% it is working as intended. No bug here.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-01 22:46 F4llen4ngel New Issue
2025-03-01 22:46 F4llen4ngel Tag Attached: Disrupt
2025-03-01 22:46 F4llen4ngel File Added: disrupt_values.png
2025-03-02 18:59 Rydiak Note Added: 0046279