Reporter | Xzygy | Assigned To | | |
Priority | normal | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always |
Status | new | Resolution | open | |
Summary | 0024139: Azuk'Thul Counts Shield DoK Heal as HoT |
Description | Likely due to the healing component of Transfer Essence, Khaine's Force, and I think also Devour Essence, though it seemed like Devour Essence damaged the tank I cast it on instead of me. Rend Flesh seems unaffected, as it lacks the multi heal component of the other two melee heals. |
Steps To Reproduce | This will become immediately apparent when fighting Azuk'Thul. Each use of the abilities result in immediate damage taken. |
Tags | Ability, Bastion Stairs, disciple of khaine, dok, Dungeon: Bastion Stair |