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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0019669Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2024-06-21 01:27
ReporterReturnOfReckoning Assigned ToEmissary  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Summary0019669: [SW] Changing stance cancels your active liniment/Stat Potion
DescriptionReporter: CrimsonFenris

**Expected behavior and actual behavior:**
Potion buffs should not be affected by stances changing.

**Steps to reproduce the problem:**
1. Use any liniment or stat potion ; observe active stance dropping (generally while Assault), and action bar returning in the "no stance" layout.
2. While Potion active, try to change stance (trying to select same stance will only trigger 5s cd without effect) ; the liniment buff is removed as soon new stance is applied. Note that Armor potion is not affected.

### Notes :
Stance dropping is very inconsistent, sometimes it drops after some seconds, even in combat...
Probably linked with old issue of stance dropping, see

I could not reproduce this specific Potion dropping after a while...
I tested :
- No tactic slotted and taking liniment (without armor potion) : no bug
- 1, 2, 3, 4 tactics slotted (randomly), taking liniment : no bug
- Usual tactics slotted, taking liniment (with or without armor pot) : no bug

For some reason I had this bug for minutes, multiple times (liniment dropping, armor potion unaffected), but could not manage to reproduce, it's very frustrating...

**Testing Screenshots/Videos/Evidences (always needed):**
Right after using Potion, action bar are reset and stance dropped :

Right after selecting another stance (selecting same stance is triggering 5s cd with no effect) :

TagsTooltip, Visual




2023-08-13 04:30

reporter   ~0036784

Commenter: lilimx


how do you know the liniment is dropping? any .getstats screenshots?


2023-08-13 04:30

reporter   ~0036785

Commenter: CrimsonFenris

I didnt think about screenshotting a .getstat but the buff icon was dropping everytime, and my stats were lower in the character sheet. It could have been a visual bug, but it also happens with Steady Aim buff (dropping randomly) wich I cannot test unless I manage to trigger the bug on testing dummies ofc.


2023-08-13 04:30

reporter   ~0036786

Commenter: CrimsonFenris

Update : I feel like it could be a visual bug in the end ; The potion buff was shown again after a relog.
I didnt thought about taking a getstat before/after.

Anyway, stances, steady aim and potions looks like very buggy right now ; action bars dropping, and having to switch multiple times between stances (you have to select a different stance than the one that dropped or you cannot re-enter the previous stance again) feels very clunky.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-08-13 04:30 ReturnOfReckoning New Issue
2023-08-13 04:30 ReturnOfReckoning Tag Attached: Visual
2023-08-13 04:30 ReturnOfReckoning Tag Attached: Tooltip
2023-08-13 04:30 ReturnOfReckoning Note Added: 0036784
2023-08-13 04:30 ReturnOfReckoning Note Added: 0036785
2023-08-13 04:30 ReturnOfReckoning Note Added: 0036786
2024-06-21 01:27 Emissary Assigned To => Emissary
2024-06-21 01:27 Emissary Status new => closed
2024-06-21 01:27 Emissary Resolution open => no change required