View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020456Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2024-12-29 21:06
ReporterReturnOfReckoning Assigned ToR1CH  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0020456: BastionStair
DescriptionReporter: ImperiousLogath

![Bloodlord 3](
![Bloodlord 1](
![Bloodlord 2](
The quest and problems i linked is that when i went down the progression for these and when the bosses were killed they did not give me the progress they have stayed at 2 out of 4, As well the influence to progress has stayed where it was and it has not gone up, This is the 3rd day i have done bastion stair and it is leaving me discouraged.
I play as Logath on Return of Reckoning of Destro.
The Lockout info is in the screenshot of this morning of how far its been since the lockout time

I will also leave my discord name to be able to be contacted if there is anything that can be done or fixed War Walking#8989
TagsDungeon: Bastion Stair, NPC, Quests




2023-08-13 04:36

reporter   ~0038723

Commenter: Veretta

To comment on this as well - these have been done with my group 24 hours apart, and the rest of the group has been getting credit.
Today was the third run.


2023-08-13 04:36

reporter   ~0038724

Commenter: ImperiousLogath

![Bloodlord 4](
This is the extra screenshot for the blood lord run of what was done.


2023-08-13 04:36

reporter   ~0038725

Commenter: ImperiousLogath

This is a update of the ticket, I have of the current about to start run listed in the screenshots at 8Pm
![Bloodlord 6](
There will be a update of when it is finished.


2023-08-13 04:36

reporter   ~0038726

Commenter: Titoos

I've just had the same, or very similar issue. I got no influence from last boss from third wing.
Probably that matters, I was dead when the boss got killed, but I hope it's not intended behaviour.


2024-12-29 21:06

developer   ~0045869

This should be fixed for the next patch. Note that if you are dead for more than 5 minutes you do not get credit from boss kills, this is intended.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning New Issue
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning Tag Attached: NPC
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning Tag Attached: Quests
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning Tag Attached: Dungeon: Bastion Stair
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning Note Added: 0038723
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning Note Added: 0038724
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning Note Added: 0038725
2023-08-13 04:36 ReturnOfReckoning Note Added: 0038726
2024-12-29 21:06 R1CH Assigned To => R1CH
2024-12-29 21:06 R1CH Status new => resolved
2024-12-29 21:06 R1CH Resolution open => fixed
2024-12-29 21:06 R1CH Note Added: 0045869