View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021057Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2025-01-11 00:44
Reporterwonshot Assigned ToR1CH  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0021057: Runepriest dots / granted ability can damage keep gates again
DescriptionRunepriest, and pressumably Zealots, can again damage the door.
We were ramming north keep in Reikland just now, and took the door down 82% in the 3min respawn time of the oil.
Im not sure if it was the Granted abilities again from RP/Zealot buffing their party members, or if it was actually middletree dots. On linked screenshot below it shows immolation dot ticking and procing something. As a rammer i saw the door take seeral 2-3% jumps each time ram was swinging and the dots were applied.
Steps To ReproduceLog on a DPS runepriest, go to a keepdoor and try to use the RP buff-granted ability or DoTs with maybe mastery tactics to figure our which of these are the issue.
Additional InformationThis issue was also happening some years ago. Maybe solving it will be easy when the old case is studied.
Tagsexploit, keep gate




2023-09-20 13:05


rp dots gate.png (67,251 bytes)   
rp dots gate.png (67,251 bytes)   


2025-01-11 00:44

developer   ~0045954

This should be fixed next patch as keep doors were made unattackable.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-09-20 13:05 wonshot New Issue
2023-09-20 13:05 wonshot Tag Attached: exploit
2023-09-20 13:05 wonshot Tag Attached: keep gate
2023-09-20 13:05 wonshot File Added: rp dots gate.png
2025-01-11 00:44 R1CH Assigned To => R1CH
2025-01-11 00:44 R1CH Status new => resolved
2025-01-11 00:44 R1CH Resolution open => fixed
2025-01-11 00:44 R1CH Note Added: 0045954