View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021125Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2024-11-12 19:59
ReporterLouisArmstrong Assigned ToEmissary  
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Summary0021125: Witch Elf "Vilecords" not counting towards Armory checklist
DescriptionI have "Decimator Vilecord" equipped but I'm not receiving an "X mark" in the collection part of the armory. Vilecord of the Braggart is also not being "checked off" when I equip it.
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2023-11-02 18:55

reporter   ~0040024

I'm having the same issue with carnage gloves, whole decimator set and braggart belt on my black orc

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-10-21 19:54 LouisArmstrong New Issue
2023-11-02 18:55 arturziomas Note Added: 0040024
2024-11-12 19:59 Emissary Assigned To => Emissary
2024-11-12 19:59 Emissary Status new => closed
2024-11-12 19:59 Emissary Resolution open => unable to reproduce