View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021731Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2024-06-12 20:09
ReporterUrungel Assigned ToGobtar  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0021731: Warlord for SH 4 piece bonus doesn't add up
DescriptionI noticed that 6% reduced chance to be dodged doesn't apply when 4 or more piece of Warlord gear are equipped on my squig herder.
Checked with getstats and only 3% chance from genesis jewelry applies.
Steps To ReproduceEquip 4 pieces of warlord gear for SH
TagsCombat Mechanics, Set Bonus, Shadow Warrior, Squig Herder


related to 0022821 resolvedGobtar Engineer Warlord 4 piece bonus not applying evade strikethrough 




2023-12-13 13:58


Hygucm_004.jpg (353,447 bytes)


2024-05-23 09:09

reporter   ~0042917

Related to issues 0021069 and 0021577


2024-06-07 02:32

developer   ~0043269

 Warlord's Squig Calla Kit should now correctly provide 6% evade strikethrough.
Thank you for reporting this bug report!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-12-13 13:58 Urungel New Issue
2023-12-13 13:58 Urungel File Added: Hygucm_004.jpg
2024-05-23 09:09 Fenris78 Note Added: 0042917
2024-05-23 09:10 Fenris78 Tag Attached: Combat Mechanics
2024-05-23 09:11 Fenris78 Tag Attached: Set Bonus
2024-05-23 09:12 Fenris78 Tag Attached: Squig Herder
2024-05-23 09:12 Fenris78 Tag Attached: Shadow Warrior
2024-06-06 16:41 Emissary Assigned To => Gobtar
2024-06-06 16:41 Emissary Status new => assigned
2024-06-07 02:32 Gobtar Status assigned => resolved
2024-06-07 02:32 Gobtar Resolution open => fixed
2024-06-07 02:32 Gobtar Note Added: 0043269
2024-06-07 02:33 Gobtar Status resolved => closed
2024-06-07 03:16 Emissary Status closed => resolved
2024-06-12 20:09 Gobtar Relationship added related to 0022821