View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0022657Return of ReckoningAbilitiespublic2024-06-19 03:25
ReporterYsaran Assigned ToEmissary  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Summary0022657: Green Cleanin' tactic not working
DescriptionShaman's tactic "Green Cleanin'" applies a 9s HoT upon cleansing a target. Since the cleanse has 5s CD you can apply a second HoT before the first one ends. These HoTs used to stack and now they are not stacking.
Steps To ReproduceSlot the tactic, cleanse a target on CD and see that the HoT generated by Green Cleanin' are refreshing instead of stacking




2024-06-19 03:25

manager   ~0043571

working as intended, thank you


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-05-04 14:41 Ysaran New Issue
2024-05-04 14:41 Ysaran Tag Attached: Shaman
2024-06-05 04:50 Emissary Assigned To => Emissary
2024-06-05 04:50 Emissary Status new => assigned
2024-06-19 03:25 Emissary Note Added: 0043571
2024-06-19 03:25 Emissary Status assigned => closed
2024-06-19 03:25 Emissary Resolution open => no change required