View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0022676Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2025-02-02 16:51
ReporterR1CH Assigned ToMaxHayman  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary0022676: Launcher creates temp files every launch that do not get cleaned up
DescriptionBoth the old and new launcher will download images to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp on startup. These files are randomly named and do not get cleaned up, resulting in thousands of the same files building up over time.
Steps To ReproduceRun the launcher a bunch of times, check %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp.
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0023940 closedR1CH RoR launcher filling up Temp folder with launcher's images. 




2024-05-07 20:09


LYkggB6aPY.png (227,771 bytes)   
LYkggB6aPY.png (227,771 bytes)   


2024-06-03 21:13

administrator   ~0043084

This should have been fixed in the new launcher. Can you send the logs/launcher.log file please.


2024-06-04 01:24

developer   ~0043088

Added log, this should be from the new launcher but it doesn't really show much. Checking my temp folder I still see the files dated from when I opened this bug report there as well as many new ones.
launcher.log (2,420 bytes)   
[24/06/03 17:03:15] S Launcher : Launcher Started (Version:
[24/06/03 17:03:15] I Launcher : Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0
[24/06/03 17:03:15] I Launcher : Running from [C:\WAR]
[24/06/03 17:03:16] E News : Failed to render HTML into XAML
[24/06/03 17:03:16] I Patcher : Initiating WarPatcher with in "C:\WAR" with 32 threads.
[24/06/03 17:03:16] I WebDownloader 31 : Downloading product
[24/06/03 17:03:16] I WebDownloader 31 : Downloading product.sig
[24/06/03 17:03:16] I WebDownloader 12 : Downloading builds/28/summary
[24/06/03 17:03:16] I WebDownloader 12 : Downloading builds/28/summary.sig
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I Patcher : Received manifest (21 entries)
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 17:03:17] I DownloadThread : Completed
[24/06/03 18:18:22] E Web : Failed to Download Configuration
[24/06/03 19:40:55] E Web : Failed to Download Configuration
launcher.log (2,420 bytes)   

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-05-07 20:09 R1CH New Issue
2024-05-07 20:09 R1CH File Added: LYkggB6aPY.png
2024-06-03 20:42 Emissary Assigned To => MaxHayman
2024-06-03 20:42 Emissary Status new => assigned
2024-06-03 21:13 MaxHayman Note Added: 0043084
2024-06-04 01:24 R1CH Note Added: 0043088
2024-06-04 01:24 R1CH File Added: launcher.log
2025-02-02 16:51 R1CH Relationship added has duplicate 0023940