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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0022810Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2024-06-20 06:28
ReporterTempla Assigned ToNatherul  
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityunable to reproduce
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0022810: Duplication Glitch and vanishing items
Items in my bank got duplicated and overwrote other existing items

What did i do:
2 days ago finally maxxed out my bank slots on my Chosen (IGN: Gohr). I moved many of my weapons from box 1 to box 3 and sorted my armor by RvR and pvE obtained sets.
I sorted my items in one row from left to right like: 2h sword, next row 1h sword, next row shields.
yesterday i realized that i had some items duplicated and sadly had to realize that the duplicated items overwrote other existing items.
The row with my 2h weapons overwrote the row of my shields
rows did duplicate like follows: box 1 row 9 did duplicate into row 10 and all items in row 10 got overwritten
box 3 row 1 duplicated in row 2 and items in row 2 got overwritten
Steps To ReproduceI tried to replicating the glitch by positioning certain items in different locations and relogging or crashing my game, but nothing happened.
Additional Information- Some uniquely obtainable items were duplicated. Like in screenshot shown below: "Anarchy" from the epic weapon quest.
- And a lot of uniquely obtainable shields got lost. I lost an entire row of shields. Some of them unique like Dementia from the Epic Weapon quest. I still have the Dementia skin applied on current my shield.
- i already did delete some of the duplicated capes
- is there any way of getting back the shields? and if not maybe a way to reset my epic weapon quests so i can get them again?
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0022828 closedEmissary Double Items since last patch 
has duplicate 0022830 closedNatherul Some items in Bank got duplicated in nearby slots and overwrote the items there. 
has duplicate 0022809 closedNatherul Missing Pavise of the Dragon Gate 




2024-06-08 19:45


duplication.png (814,939 bytes)


2024-06-08 20:33

manager   ~0043361

Last edited: 2024-06-08 20:34

Send me a list of the items duped and lost if possible so I can try to replicate. Was it just on tab 3?

Screen shot the other tabs as well please


2024-06-09 00:19

reporter   ~0043365

it was on tab 1 and 2.
it seems to only have affected the bottom 3 rows on tab 1 and the top 2 rows on tab 3
i only lost 1h weapons and shields. but the only things i am intersted in recovering are the unique appearances i would otherwise not be able to get again.

i screenshot the capes. i removed some of the tok unlock capes already. i have these duplicated:
capes: Battle brewpack, grim greatcloak(lvl29), beastlord mantle of stag, sentinel guise(lvl 37), gunbad cape
weapons: martial dreadaxe (lvl 34 green)(i have this one 3 times now....) Deathaxe of subjugator, Titan's dreadaxe of worth (lvl 10 blue), sentry deathsword of worth (lvl 19 blue), titan deathsword of brutality (lvl 20 blue), Anarchy (epic weapon quest),
I kept all the duplicates except for the 3 cloaks.

what i lost and remember by name:
Dementia, wall of teskh, madcap shield, i don't remember if i had Bluntstop from BB or not, also i had this flaming red/orange shield and a lot of others. if i would see them i could name them again but sadly i don't remember the names of the other shields.
capes.png (473,452 bytes)
2.png (544,265 bytes)


2024-06-09 06:57

developer   ~0043367

To elaborate, can you by any chance replicate it? I have tried a little and am unable to do so unless you´re doing something very specific.

Asking before I start aimlessly looking at code to grasp for potential issues. If you have a reliable way to replicate it, please make a note as "private".


2024-06-09 16:19

reporter   ~0043368

sadly i was not able to recreate it. i tried different stuff with the ban k window. keeping it open while switching zones, moving items afterwards, etc. noting seems to be able to replicate it


2024-06-10 09:22

reporter   ~0043387

Now my bank box 1 and 3 are totally messed up. i made screenshots again.
i am scared to put stuff in my bank now. My inventory is almost filled to the brim with stuff i can't afford to loose due to War crest costs and unique trophys that i would never get back.

i moved all my weapons down ion my tab 3 yesterday, so it would not get overwritten while testing out stuff. but apparently the positioning got reset and a whole lot of stuff disappeared. i also realized, that the stuff on my bottom row vanished. it had the 2 low level mounts, and a bunch of pocket items. Nothing major, but i lost all of em. Stuff like the Decioblivanihilator Seal Poket item we could get years ago.
tab 1.png (1,309,165 bytes)
tab 2.png (1,257,320 bytes)
tab 3.png (1,144,281 bytes)


2024-06-10 09:27

developer   ~0043388

did you do anything or do you mean to say this happened on patch? Does anyone else have access to your account, are you running any addons?


2024-06-10 10:59

reporter   ~0043389

i did not do anything else. it must have been the patch.
no one has access to my account but me
the only addon maybe being able to influence the bank is "BankWindowFix" i use a version downloaded from 2024.03.16


2024-06-10 11:00

reporter   ~0043390

oh right. i forgot. i moved 1 duplicate redeye cloak into tab 2 under my redeye column.


2024-06-10 13:54

developer   ~0043395

did you do any moving of said items around the time of a server restart / patch as in when server was going down


2024-06-10 15:10

reporter   ~0043397

I believe that might have been the case the 1st time i noticed it. but yesterdays/todays patch i only moved the redeye cape into back 3 and the 1st cape
i moved all my weapons down(tab 3) and all my capes up(tab 1) to make room for testing.
The only 2 things i moved after that were the redeye cape into tab 3 and the 1st cape in tab 3 to test out duplications. But as you can see a whole lot of weapons disappeared as well as empty spots seem to have been copied


2024-06-11 15:36

reporter   ~0043423

Hello, have the same bug, can I delete the duplicates and can I have a bestial token for the Trophie which is missing? Thank you!

Update: 3 Sentinal Items are duplicated, 2x Bloodlord, 2x Edge of the Great Hunt, Icon of the Medic and The Sanguine Vail. Maybe some dyes too, but dunno how much I actually had. Missing is the Symbol of Khaine (Trophy)
IMG_5944.jpeg (4,749,638 bytes)


2024-06-11 17:12

reporter   ~0043427

I have pretty much lost my Beastlord set, it turned in to 5x Beastlord helmets.

Luckily the book was equipped and the stag cape remained untouched (never got the Skaven one).

Harland's Cloaks duplicated just after the hotfix. I keep one in my inventory now at all times because if I lost it I think I'd go in to some kind of shock.

Also, all Griffons are now rr80, so I'm missing the rr85 one and all the lower rank ones from the quest chain.
obraz.png (451,594 bytes)
obraz-2.png (655,309 bytes)


2024-06-13 15:18

developer   ~0043468

Patrymir, did you move any items or are they still as shown in the screenshots?


2024-06-19 14:52

reporter   ~0043579

my tab 3 is completely messed up now. i lost the remaining one handed swords i had left.

the status of my bank does seem to be influenced by some kind of weird sync.
i sorted the duplicated dyes and when i logged back on today after a few days break on my chosen i see them not in order, redeye cape duplicated again.... the 5th cape i got and my 2h swords were stacked in one row and now are randomly split across tab 3...

the loss of a few hundred war crests does also not taste great but i can live with it. i really don't care about a lot of the stuff. I just want my epic weapon quest appearances back :(

Screenshot explanation:
green checkmark means, i put it in my inventory and therefor it's safe
tab 3-new.png (996,720 bytes)


2024-06-19 14:56

reporter   ~0043580

This is also happening to me. My vault is being overrun by duplicate items and I have to delete items to make room. All of my most valuable items are in my backpack to avoid duplicating / dissapearing. I also noticed that my war crests completely vanished (not a visual bug). Adding a file of a screenshot of a pair of unique boots before I clear and make more room. I really enjoy this game so I continue playing despite this strange phenomena, however it's very tiresome.
duplicates.png (4,262,065 bytes)


2024-06-19 17:50

reporter   ~0043596

I can add in here that several items in my personal bank seem to have disappeared. More disturbingly, many have become different items. For example I now have 2x of the Agatha's Thanks trophy, the Witche's Hope Stone Quest item, some equipment like Mark of the Medic, Icon of the Medic. One item that I am sure was duped from original into one of those was my stack of Blue Bottle Fly Extract. Items in the bank are also scrambled from how I had them organized before. If I was a betting man, this might have to do with the limited time events from the event I had stored in there are got converted (e.g. Mini Cow Pie Snack) or disppeared in there case as intended.


2024-06-19 17:59

reporter   ~0043598

Attached screenshot of duplicated items.
duplicated bank items.jpg (1,309,113 bytes)


2024-06-20 06:28

developer   ~0043641

We have identified the issue and should be resolved with the next patch. If you still encounter issues with missing items after the next patch then please make a new ticket.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-06-08 19:45 Templa New Issue
2024-06-08 19:45 Templa File Added: duplication.png
2024-06-08 20:26 Emissary Assigned To => Natherul
2024-06-08 20:26 Emissary Status new => assigned
2024-06-08 20:33 Emissary Note Added: 0043361
2024-06-08 20:34 Emissary Note Edited: 0043361
2024-06-09 00:19 Templa Note Added: 0043365
2024-06-09 00:19 Templa File Added: capes.png
2024-06-09 00:19 Templa File Added: 2.png
2024-06-09 06:57 Natherul Note Added: 0043367
2024-06-09 16:19 Templa Note Added: 0043368
2024-06-10 09:22 Templa Note Added: 0043387
2024-06-10 09:22 Templa File Added: tab 1.png
2024-06-10 09:22 Templa File Added: tab 2.png
2024-06-10 09:22 Templa File Added: tab 3.png
2024-06-10 09:27 Natherul Note Added: 0043388
2024-06-10 10:59 Templa Note Added: 0043389
2024-06-10 11:00 Templa Note Added: 0043390
2024-06-10 13:54 Natherul Note Added: 0043395
2024-06-10 15:10 Templa Note Added: 0043397
2024-06-11 14:58 Emissary Relationship added has duplicate 0022828
2024-06-11 15:36 Loken0891 Note Added: 0043423
2024-06-11 15:36 Loken0891 File Added: IMG_5944.jpeg
2024-06-11 17:12 Patrymir Note Added: 0043427
2024-06-11 17:12 Patrymir File Added: obraz.png
2024-06-11 17:12 Patrymir File Added: obraz-2.png
2024-06-11 17:44 Natherul Relationship added has duplicate 0022830
2024-06-13 15:18 Natherul Note Added: 0043468
2024-06-19 14:52 Templa Note Added: 0043579
2024-06-19 14:52 Templa File Added: tab 3-new.png
2024-06-19 14:56 CinotGragnio Note Added: 0043580
2024-06-19 14:56 CinotGragnio File Added: duplicates.png
2024-06-19 17:50 SpacefishPrime Note Added: 0043596
2024-06-19 17:59 SpacefishPrime Note Added: 0043598
2024-06-19 17:59 SpacefishPrime File Added: duplicated bank items.jpg
2024-06-20 06:19 Natherul Relationship added has duplicate 0022809
2024-06-20 06:28 Natherul Status assigned => closed
2024-06-20 06:28 Natherul Resolution open => fixed
2024-06-20 06:28 Natherul Note Added: 0043641