View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0022950Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2024-06-30 18:09
ReporterMackenzy Assigned ToMaxHayman  
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary0022950: Bank Issue Today- Proof of Items Disappearing
DescriptionThe bank made me re-purchase rows to unlock access to my items that were stored there, and now those items have vanished when I logged back in.
Additional InformationScreenshots showing what happened:

Mackattack_590: Shows the bank needs me to re-purchase rows again to be able to access my items (this has never happened to me before). I re-purchased as many rows as I could afford after I took the next screenshot of bank page 1.

Mackattack_591: Bank page 1 with everything seeming okay, from what I can tell.

Mackattack_592 & Mackattack_593: Shows the gold I spent to get all the rows back on page 2, which granted me access to the items in those rows that were shown in screenshot "Mackattack_590". The items were no longer greyed out once I unlocked the row, and I could move the unlocked items around normally. As I finished re-buying page 2, it took me to page 3 and I took a screenshot to show how I couldn't afford to keep re-buying the rows.

I logged off for around 2 hours. Then logged back in.

Mackattack_594: Shows when I logged back in, and page 2 is completely purchased still- but all the items that are in the rows I re-purchased are now gone! When I logged off, page 2 contained all the items shown in screenshot "Mackattack_590", and I had been able to move them around normally.

Mackattack_595: Shows bank page 3 now wanting me to buy all the rows again, but my items are no longer showing (compare to screenshot "Mackattack_592").




2024-06-29 23:29


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2024-06-29 23:34

reporter   ~0043756

Adding screenshot to show bank page 1 still looks okay (the only items that are changed are the ones I put up at the broker to try to earn money back from this bug). Adding another screenshot with my bag open and the now-emptied bank page 2 that I re-purchased- to prove that I didn't just move the items into my bag for a screenshot; the items are really gone. :)
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2024-06-30 03:58

reporter   ~0043757

This looks like the thing i always see when i check one of the banks with a char that has Vault space left that is not bought jet, when i was at the other towns vault before.
Because if you switch from one towns vault to the other the vault bugs out on unpurchased rows and shows stuff that is placed in the same row on the other towns vault.


2024-06-30 14:28

manager   ~0043768

You are seeing what's in your Altdorf bank. Are you sure you had those slots blocked


2024-06-30 18:09

reporter   ~0043770

I went back to the IC bank and viewed page 3, and it is the same as shown in K8P when I go back there now. Thank you, I'll stop buying rows and just use the bank in IC. I wasn't aware of this visual bug, apologies!
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-06-29 23:29 Mackenzy New Issue
2024-06-29 23:29 Mackenzy Tag Attached: bank
2024-06-29 23:29 Mackenzy File Added: Mackattack_594.jpg
2024-06-29 23:29 Mackenzy File Added: Mackattack_593.jpg
2024-06-29 23:29 Mackenzy File Added: Mackattack_592.jpg
2024-06-29 23:29 Mackenzy File Added: Mackattack_591.jpg
2024-06-29 23:29 Mackenzy File Added: Mackattack_590.jpg
2024-06-29 23:29 Mackenzy File Added: Mackattack_595.jpg
2024-06-29 23:34 Mackenzy Note Added: 0043756
2024-06-29 23:34 Mackenzy File Added: Mackattack_596.jpg
2024-06-29 23:34 Mackenzy File Added: Mackattack_597.jpg
2024-06-30 03:58 Gunlinger Note Added: 0043757
2024-06-30 14:28 Emissary Note Added: 0043768
2024-06-30 14:28 Emissary Assigned To => MaxHayman
2024-06-30 14:28 Emissary Status new => assigned
2024-06-30 18:09 Mackenzy Note Added: 0043770
2024-06-30 18:09 Mackenzy File Added: Mackattack_629.jpg
2024-06-30 18:09 Mackenzy File Added: Mackattack_630.jpg