View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023484Return of ReckoningDungeonspublic2025-01-06 05:10
ReporterSchjellerup Assigned ToMaxHayman  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0023484: BB boss at 20% when he swoolow the group the "drop" vi have to kill aint ther
DescriptionBB boss at 20% when he swoolow the group the "drop" vi have to kill aint ther
Steps To Reproduceno ide it happen sometimes and other times it works
TagsNo tags attached.




2024-10-31 12:53




2024-11-03 07:19

reporter   ~0045058

It seems that the Bile Lord will swallow the group, but there are no innards to kill.
group gets stuck, having to port out.

may occur due to failed first attempt?


2024-11-10 09:32

reporter   ~0045150

Still not entirely clear what triggers it.
- Clearing adds before 20%?
- Wiping during the fight, or potentially anywhere in the dungeon?

I've seen it briefly as we teleport in, before it disappears.
Forcing us to Port out via book/war report etc...
Followup Attempts Result in the same, until you run out of port options.

This prevents completion of the Quests for both the Sentinel Chest Piece and Stalwart Soulstone


2024-12-13 17:40

reporter   ~0045759

This has happened to my group 3 times this week alone. We did successfully reset the boss, and complete the kill after our chosen turned off all aura abilities. However, in a subsequent run, deactivating auras still resulted in a bugged run.


2025-01-06 05:10

developer   ~0045946

This should be fixed in the next patch.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-10-31 12:53 Schjellerup New Issue
2024-10-31 12:53 Schjellerup File Added: bb buged at last boss 20%.gif
2024-11-03 07:19 Rexdale Note Added: 0045058
2024-11-09 03:33 Emissary Assigned To => MaxHayman
2024-11-09 03:33 Emissary Status new => assigned
2024-11-10 09:32 Rexdale Note Added: 0045150
2024-12-13 17:40 IronVoodoo Note Added: 0045759
2025-01-06 05:10 R1CH Status assigned => resolved
2025-01-06 05:10 R1CH Resolution open => fixed
2025-01-06 05:10 R1CH Note Added: 0045946