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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023546Return of ReckoningQuestspublic2024-11-29 14:18
ReporterBelpleiadion Assigned Toekalime  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0023546: Quest "Slay the Invaders!" not getting quest drop after Hero kill
DescriptionThis is the third chain quest of the secrete High Elf T1 quest in The Blighted Isle zone. Player has to go to dead Commander Thyonir npc object lying on the ground at around [27415, 4085] in Chrace. Player selects "Commander Thyonir" which grants quest credit "Find Commander Thyonir" AND ALSO AT THE SAMETIME summons a lvl 10++ Hero Dark Elf female corsair mob "Hyrketh Softhand". Player kills this mob with a group but she is supposed to drop "Assassin's Blade's" which gives player quest credit "Find Assasin's Blades" which gives quest credit for player to then complete the quest. However, this hero mob is NOT DROPPING THE ASSASIN'S BLADES quest object. The only loot I got was a grey trash item "Raider's Dagger" which does not give quest credit to complete the quest.

Advised for a temporary workaround is to just give kill credit to satisfy the "Assasin's Blades" quest condition, just like the "Scarlet Tide" hidden Nordland Empire Tier1 rvr quest chain.
Steps To Reproduce1. In Order High Elf warcamp in Blighted Isle, find dead Dark Elf female corpse.
2. Select it and go to NPC nearby.
3. Kill 10x Dark Elf players in Blighted Isle rvr lake and get quest object to click on when 5x spear blades are RNG dropped from the Dark Elf kills.
4. Click on quest object (vellum) to generate third and final part of the "Slay the Invaders!" chain quest.
5. Go to [27415, 4085] in Chrace with a group.
6. Select dead npc lying on ground "Command Thyonir" to summon a lvl 10++ Hero npc and kill it.
7. Observe that the quest item that is suppoesd to drop off this mob "Assassin's Blades" does not drop at all, preventing the quest from being completed.
Additional InformationFaction: Order
Zone: Chrace [27415, 4085]
Tier: High Elf Tier 1
Tagsblighted isle, chrace, high elf, rvr, tier1




2024-11-14 05:12


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2024-11-16 17:29

developer   ~0045256

Does everyone in your party have the quest? I wonder if the issue is that someone does not have the quest and the ncp is not dropping the item for that reason.


2024-11-16 18:26

developer   ~0045257

I believe the issue was related to a player who did not have the quest getting kill credit. I have removed the quest condition for the item to drop, so now it should always drop regardless if the player who kills it has the quest or not.


2024-11-29 14:18

administrator   ~0045479

Fix released. Thank you.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-14 05:12 Belpleiadion New Issue
2024-11-14 05:12 Belpleiadion Tag Attached: blighted isle
2024-11-14 05:12 Belpleiadion Tag Attached: chrace
2024-11-14 05:12 Belpleiadion Tag Attached: high elf
2024-11-14 05:12 Belpleiadion Tag Attached: rvr
2024-11-14 05:12 Belpleiadion Tag Attached: tier1
2024-11-14 05:12 Belpleiadion File Added: Belpleiadion_058.jpg
2024-11-14 05:12 Belpleiadion File Added: Belpleiadion_059.jpg
2024-11-14 05:12 Belpleiadion File Added: Belpleiadion_037.jpg
2024-11-14 05:12 Belpleiadion File Added: Belpleiadion_040.jpg
2024-11-16 16:01 Emissary Assigned To => ekalime
2024-11-16 16:01 Emissary Status new => assigned
2024-11-16 17:29 ekalime Note Added: 0045256
2024-11-16 18:26 ekalime Status assigned => resolved
2024-11-16 18:26 ekalime Resolution open => fixed
2024-11-16 18:26 ekalime Note Added: 0045257
2024-11-29 14:18 MaxHayman Note Added: 0045479
2024-11-29 14:18 MaxHayman Status resolved => closed