View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023663Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2025-01-31 17:58
ReporterWholdar Assigned ToNatherul  
Status resolvedResolutionreopened 
Summary0023663: SoR doesnt show correct numbers in any zone
DescriptionSeems the calculations are based on how many characters been in the zone, not that currently are. They are wrong anyhow, its not 200-299 in Praag atm,
Steps To ReproduceLook at SoR
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0023725 closedNatherul SOR was reporting 0-9 order players in zone when the actual number was much higher 
has duplicate 0023829 closedNatherul AAO and the associated apathy debuff is very broken 
has duplicate 0023870 closedR1CH Incorrect State of the Realm giving huge bonuses to renown 




2024-11-30 09:25


Benmerj_000.jpg (38,470 bytes)   
Benmerj_000.jpg (38,470 bytes)   


2024-12-01 16:17

developer   ~0045552

Im hesitant to close this ticket just yet but we think its been fixed with the hotfix this morning (from my experience today it seems to be fixed at least)


2024-12-01 18:56

developer   ~0045559

no, numbers are still off. which has a knock on effect on other things. we are investigating


2024-12-03 03:53

developer   ~0045579

The numbers looked a lot better tonight, however they now seem to be under-reporting slightly. SoR reported a siege in another zone with 0-9 that we mostly ignored, however once the door got low and we flew into the zone, there was easily a WB or more there. I don't know if the numbers are now also on a delay (they didn't use to be) but something definitely still seemed a bit off.


2024-12-04 07:02

developer   ~0045592

There seems to be something negatively affecting T2/T3. Avelorn reported 0-9 tonight for both sides while 3+ WBs were running, and AAO was shifting all over the place, up to 300% at times.


2024-12-08 18:08

developer   ~0045686

This should have been fixed with todays hotfix. Please open a ticket again if there is any further issues with it


2024-12-16 07:48

reporter   ~0045776

I think this is still wrong sometimes, I also saw the same thing during a twitch stream this morning when sor reported 25-99 order in praag and wc was empty.


2024-12-16 07:48

reporter   ~0045777

And also now, this is not correct.
Wholdar_000.jpg (11,294 bytes)   
Wholdar_000.jpg (11,294 bytes)   


2024-12-16 12:01

reporter   ~0045778

Another reference, I think BC and Praag is about the same numbers (dont know ofc, but its a guess), and Empire is way off. So might have something to do with Empire pairing?
Wholdar_002.jpg (36,276 bytes)   
Wholdar_002.jpg (36,276 bytes)   


2024-12-16 13:25

developer   ~0045779

It's hard to say, I've noticed it being broken most often in Chaos Wastes, but also Empire tends to be the more active pairing.


2024-12-18 11:02

reporter   ~0045788

Empire T1 shows crazy numbers - logged in to check on both sides (was playing order for 5 min too): order has less than half of warband and destro has one.
WAR-64_nK3SztMOxe.png (104,616 bytes)   
WAR-64_nK3SztMOxe.png (104,616 bytes)   


2024-12-18 12:24

developer   ~0045789

Given that this seems to predominately affect the Empire/Chaos pairing, I wonder if players in the capital cities are being included in the numbers.


2025-01-03 00:07

reporter   ~0045916

This happens in all zones and it's really annoying. Sometimes they have 2x your population in NA time and still have AAO. On picture I'm attaching there is absolutely no one in TM. Also players are using the AAO to finish weekly a lot faster. This is really frustrating for the side not having AAO.
image.png (34,476 bytes)   
image.png (34,476 bytes)   


2025-01-03 00:24

reporter   ~0045917

Another picture 5 mins later. Still no one in zone and 400% aao for order.
image-2.png (34,313 bytes)   
image-2.png (34,313 bytes)   


2025-01-04 17:03

reporter   ~0045931

Ok, just adding some more info. Avelorn was fine, it had a little more pop for order and they locked zone. Dragonwake stared bugged.
image-3.png (36,295 bytes)   
image-3.png (36,295 bytes)   
image-4.png (59,826 bytes)   
image-4.png (59,826 bytes)   


2025-01-31 17:58

developer   ~0046100

This should be resolved as of today's hotfix.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-30 09:25 Wholdar New Issue
2024-11-30 09:25 Wholdar File Added: Benmerj_000.jpg
2024-12-01 06:08 Emissary Assigned To => Natherul
2024-12-01 06:08 Emissary Status new => assigned
2024-12-01 16:17 Natherul Note Added: 0045552
2024-12-01 18:56 Natherul Note Added: 0045559
2024-12-03 03:53 R1CH Note Added: 0045579
2024-12-04 07:02 R1CH Note Added: 0045592
2024-12-08 18:08 Natherul Status assigned => resolved
2024-12-08 18:08 Natherul Resolution open => fixed
2024-12-08 18:08 Natherul Note Added: 0045686
2024-12-08 18:22 Natherul Relationship added has duplicate 0023725
2024-12-16 07:48 Wholdar Status resolved => feedback
2024-12-16 07:48 Wholdar Resolution fixed => reopened
2024-12-16 07:48 Wholdar Note Added: 0045776
2024-12-16 07:48 Wholdar Note Added: 0045777
2024-12-16 07:48 Wholdar File Added: Wholdar_000.jpg
2024-12-16 07:48 Wholdar Status feedback => assigned
2024-12-16 12:01 Wholdar Note Added: 0045778
2024-12-16 12:01 Wholdar File Added: Wholdar_002.jpg
2024-12-16 13:25 R1CH Note Added: 0045779
2024-12-18 11:02 fleegle Note Added: 0045788
2024-12-18 11:02 fleegle File Added: WAR-64_nK3SztMOxe.png
2024-12-18 12:24 R1CH Note Added: 0045789
2025-01-03 00:07 Brizio Note Added: 0045916
2025-01-03 00:07 Brizio File Added: image.png
2025-01-03 00:24 Brizio Note Added: 0045917
2025-01-03 00:24 Brizio File Added: image-2.png
2025-01-03 10:45 Natherul Relationship added has duplicate 0023829
2025-01-04 17:03 Brizio Note Added: 0045931
2025-01-04 17:03 Brizio File Added: image-3.png
2025-01-04 17:03 Brizio File Added: image-4.png
2025-01-17 14:53 R1CH Relationship added has duplicate 0023870
2025-01-31 17:58 R1CH Status assigned => resolved
2025-01-31 17:58 R1CH Note Added: 0046100