View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023829Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2025-01-03 10:45
Reportergudgeon Assigned ToNatherul  
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Summary0023829: AAO and the associated apathy debuff is very broken
DescriptionThe apathy debuff is applying incorrectly regularly, its hard to tell how much or how often but its frequently showing incorrect values in SoR and also via the debuff in the RvR lake.
This does not correct itself within an appreciable amount of time, in the screenshot the values in SoR have fluctuated over the course of an hour but been consistently high for destro and wrong, not sure if apathy was consistent within that time but stayed the same over a 10 minute period.
See screenshot attached as an example.
Steps To ReproduceDifficult to confirm as a user it often feels wrong based on the fights but thats hard to evaluate accurately.
Seems to maybe be related to the AAO possibly not resetting with zone flips but not sure, have seen fresh zones unlock with massively incorrect values which do not correct themselves.
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0023663 resolvedNatherul SoR doesnt show correct numbers in any zone 




2025-01-03 10:40


Apathy-SoR-issue.jpg (235,758 bytes)   
Apathy-SoR-issue.jpg (235,758 bytes)   


2025-01-03 10:45

developer   ~0045919

Duplicate ticket. The numbers in SOR is directly tied to the buffs with the difference being that AAO is history over 5 minutes and apathy average over 30 minutes.
Thanks for the report but closing due to duplicate

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-03 10:40 gudgeon New Issue
2025-01-03 10:40 gudgeon File Added: Apathy-SoR-issue.jpg
2025-01-03 10:45 Natherul Assigned To => Natherul
2025-01-03 10:45 Natherul Status new => closed
2025-01-03 10:45 Natherul Resolution open => duplicate
2025-01-03 10:45 Natherul Note Added: 0045919
2025-01-03 10:45 Natherul Relationship added duplicate of 0023663