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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023675Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2024-12-02 17:55
ReporterBoursk Assigned ToNatherul  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0023675: Bolster Failing To Apply in Tier One (affects both Order & Destruction)
DescriptionI've noticed today since one of the latest patches that bolster isn't applying to characters in T1 resulting in them getting two or three shotted due to the obvious lack of health & stats compared to the ones that have the bolster.

The only way to fix the bolster seems to be via relogging whilst in the RVR lake, but it's been happening to me and other people that it'll still fall off once you either level or go into certain areas of T1 Nordland.

As far as this being the case in T1 Elf or Dwarf I didn't really notice it happening, so it may exclusively be T1 Nordland (?)

For context if you so wish you can browse through my stream VOD when I'm playing either side in T1 Nordland and you'll see it happening quite often:
Steps To ReproduceSteps needed to re-produce hardly seems like a challenge at all, you run out into RVR on either side and it either doesn't bolster you at all, or stops bolstering you depending on which area of Nordland you go into.

I think this probably should be high priority, new players having to deal with this probably isn't very fun for them.
Tagsbolster, bug, De-/Bolster, debolster, ElfZones, Empire, mainstats, rvr, Stats, t1




2024-12-01 06:07

reporter   ~0045547

Update; Can confirm it also happens in T1 ELF, so issue is more widespread than I initially thought.


2024-12-01 06:43

reporter   ~0045549

I die at this part then when I get back into RVR I don't get the bolster.


2024-12-01 16:22

developer   ~0045556

Im hesitant to close this ticket just yet but we think its been fixed with the hotfix this morning (from my experience today it seems to be fixed at least)


2024-12-01 19:14

reporter   ~0045560

I just woke up so I can go check now, will let you know


2024-12-01 19:59

reporter   ~0045561

Played roughly half an hour, did not seem to have an issue with bolster this time.

I'll post another VOD at a later time if I have issues again, but for now seems to work? :D


2024-12-02 09:24

reporter   ~0045566

After many hours in T1 I think I can safely say the bolster seems to be functioning normaly again.

Haven't had any issues, since I can see that my health value is at the number it's supposed to be at : )

Seems your hotfix did the trick - Probably good to close this issue!


2024-12-02 17:55

developer   ~0045568

Closing ticket as no longer an issue, thanks for the report.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-01 05:35 Boursk New Issue
2024-12-01 05:35 Boursk Tag Attached: ability buff
2024-12-01 05:35 Boursk Tag Attached: bolster
2024-12-01 05:35 Boursk Tag Attached: bug
2024-12-01 05:35 Boursk Tag Attached: De-/Bolster
2024-12-01 05:35 Boursk Tag Attached: debolster
2024-12-01 05:35 Boursk Tag Attached: Empire
2024-12-01 05:35 Boursk Tag Attached: mainstats
2024-12-01 05:35 Boursk Tag Attached: rvr
2024-12-01 05:35 Boursk Tag Attached: Stats
2024-12-01 05:35 Boursk Tag Attached: t1
2024-12-01 05:51 Boursk Tag Detached: ability buff
2024-12-01 06:06 Emissary Assigned To => Natherul
2024-12-01 06:06 Emissary Status new => assigned
2024-12-01 06:07 Boursk Note Added: 0045547
2024-12-01 06:08 Boursk Tag Attached: ElfZones
2024-12-01 06:43 Boursk Note Added: 0045549
2024-12-01 16:22 Natherul Note Added: 0045556
2024-12-01 19:14 Boursk Note Added: 0045560
2024-12-01 19:59 Boursk Note Added: 0045561
2024-12-02 09:24 Boursk Note Added: 0045566
2024-12-02 17:55 Natherul Status assigned => resolved
2024-12-02 17:55 Natherul Resolution open => fixed
2024-12-02 17:55 Natherul Note Added: 0045568