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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023694Return of ReckoningDungeonspublic2024-12-06 20:42
Reportertxarlyman Assigned ToRubius  
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Summary0023694: Blaz da Tamin' Masta enrage mechanic instakills
DescriptionWas doing GB with a party and when we reached the mid wing boos "Blaz da Tamin' Masta and his spider, we wiped (not a big deal, release and try again) but when releasing we got sent to the healer that is located just pased the giant boss "Big Oaf".
When we were there typing the new tactic to kill the "Blaz da Tamin' Masta", his side boss (the spider) didn't reset and reached out up where we were.
We maanged to kill it (bad idea) and when we got down again and fought "Blaz" his enrage mecahanic was impossible tod eal with, one shotting party members.
We tried to readoo de party and reset the instance so we could resurect the spider and try the boss without killing the spider so we could tank the damage of "Blaz" but it wasn't working.
Not sure if that is intended but if by any case it happens to other players they will have to disband and try it an other time because you need to kill that boss to continue GB Dungeon.
Steps To ReproduceEnter GB, reach "Blaz da Tamin' Masta" mid wing boss and kill spider first.
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2024-12-06 20:42

developer   ~0045655

This will require a bit of a re-work on this boss encounter to fully fix, but we've got it on the list for the future.

Once we strip out all the old code and rebuild the fight, we can build it in a way that spawns the spider during the fight (and strips the enrage when the boss leaves combat.)

Thank you for letting us know - will leave this ticket open until we have more news on this in the future.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-03 12:03 txarlyman New Issue
2024-12-06 00:21 Emissary Assigned To => Rubius
2024-12-06 00:21 Emissary Status new => assigned
2024-12-06 20:42 Rubius Status assigned => acknowledged
2024-12-06 20:42 Rubius Note Added: 0045655