View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023745Return of ReckoningQuestspublic2025-02-05 00:02
Reportercmesup Assigned ToEmissary  
Status feedbackResolutionopen 
Summary0023745: Quest bug - Eaten Away
DescriptionLast stage of Eaten Away ( Talabecland) the quest giver Faldan Roughwold (top of the tower) must become hostile and be killed by the player, however he still remains friendly and unable to be harmed.
Steps To ReproduceComplete the the last stage of quest Eaten Away in Talabecland
TagsNPC, quest




2024-12-10 01:17

developer   ~0045710

There is another one spawned at the top of the tower that you can kill, please ascend to the top of the tower and confirm.


2024-12-30 07:54

reporter   ~0045875

Can confirm Faldan Roughwold at top cannot be attacked for quest completion. Both lower level and top of tower Faldan are non hostile.


2025-02-05 00:02

reporter   ~0046129

Was doing this Quest today (2025-02-05).
Confirm - both NPC Faldan Roughwold (both one on top of tower and one it the office 2 flloors below) are friendly and can not be killed

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-09 12:34 cmesup New Issue
2024-12-09 12:34 cmesup Tag Attached: NPC
2024-12-09 12:34 cmesup Tag Attached: quest
2024-12-10 01:17 ekalime Note Added: 0045710
2024-12-10 01:52 Emissary Assigned To => Emissary
2024-12-10 01:52 Emissary Status new => feedback
2024-12-30 07:54 SiggysBonkHammer Note Added: 0045875
2024-12-30 07:54 SiggysBonkHammer File Added: Screenshot 2024-12-30 005155.png
2025-02-05 00:02 MajinMoor Note Added: 0046129