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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023911Return of ReckoningAbilitiespublic2025-01-29 03:25
Reportermazzetta Assigned ToR1CH  
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Summary0023911: Tactic bought in one path always disappears.
DescriptionHi. Everytime i buy the tactic called TRACER ROUNDS from the TINKERER path it suddenly disappears both from the ones i have equipped and the ones i have available. I'm forced to go back to career trainer to buy it again continuously. Please fix it as soon as you can since it is a must have tactic for me. Thank you!
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2025-01-27 20:53

developer   ~0046056

Are you unequipping items that give a +2 set bonus?


2025-01-28 01:20

reporter   ~0046067

@R1CH i'm not enequipping nothing that gives a +2 set bonus. I have always the same armour and i'm not touching nothing at all. I have the bonus of the sovreign defensive set that gives a +2 points in tinkerer path and i am not wearing/unwearing equip. It comes suddenly without my intervention. Please help me to solve this, cause i really need the tactic granted and that goes away randomly. Thanks.


2025-01-28 01:26

developer   ~0046068

If you can figure out exactly at what point it gets unequipped that would be helpful, something must be triggering it.


2025-01-28 01:34

reporter   ~0046069

@R1CH like i told u in the previous message, the thing comes out randomly while i'm in rvr. Will try to figure out the exact time when it disappears but it will not be easy since while i'm in rvr i'm not focusing on the tactics indicator to argue when it goes away.... Will keep you updated with it hopin' i can catch the exact moment. Thanks heartly for all ur help tough.


2025-01-29 00:23

reporter   ~0046082

@R1CH i could have found the cause. Prolly the tactic goes away when i click war report.... Not 100% sure about it but i was doin' pve stuff and once i have clicked on it to change zone i have noticed that tactic has gone.... Let me know something. I will give it a further try to see if it happens again and will let you know.


2025-01-29 01:31

reporter   ~0046083

@R1CH like no said..... Now it has gone and not used war report... I didn't see when it went off..... Will try to see it and will let u know.... Thx.


2025-01-29 01:40

reporter   ~0046084

@R1CH i have found the cause..... It was my bad for unequippin' sovreign' cloak and tryin' event cloaks.... That cuts off my +2 tinkerer set bonus. Forgive me for my poor burnt brain..... Take care bro and thx the same for all ur help. ;-)


2025-01-29 03:25

developer   ~0046085

No worries, glad you found the cause!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-27 11:07 mazzetta New Issue
2025-01-27 20:53 R1CH Note Added: 0046056
2025-01-28 01:20 mazzetta Note Added: 0046067
2025-01-28 01:26 R1CH Note Added: 0046068
2025-01-28 01:34 mazzetta Note Added: 0046069
2025-01-29 00:23 mazzetta Note Added: 0046082
2025-01-29 01:31 mazzetta Note Added: 0046083
2025-01-29 01:40 mazzetta Note Added: 0046084
2025-01-29 03:25 R1CH Assigned To => R1CH
2025-01-29 03:25 R1CH Status new => closed
2025-01-29 03:25 R1CH Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2025-01-29 03:25 R1CH Note Added: 0046085