View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023924Return of ReckoningScenariospublic2025-01-30 22:38
ReporterSlayerKillerRoe Assigned ToR1CH  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Summary0023924: I was on the winning team in the city siege (Chaos attacking empire city) No reward ?
DescriptionI made it though all stages in the city siege. Attacked, killed and supported as a chosen tank. Only received renown. Is this correct no other items. this tuck place to day 29/01/2025
TagsNo tags attached.




2025-01-30 10:53

developer   ~0046091

You should also receive war crests for participation in city and if you are lucky you can also win bags.


2025-01-30 19:38

reporter   ~0046096

sorry. Thank you for feedback

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-29 21:40 SlayerKillerRoe New Issue
2025-01-30 10:53 R1CH Note Added: 0046091
2025-01-30 19:38 SlayerKillerRoe Note Added: 0046096
2025-01-30 22:38 R1CH Assigned To => R1CH
2025-01-30 22:38 R1CH Status new => closed
2025-01-30 22:38 R1CH Resolution open => unable to reproduce