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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023930Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2025-02-01 03:17
ReporterDunmar Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0023930: I was killed in a duel and when I pressed respawn I got stuck
DescriptionI was killed in a duel at Garden of Qu'Aph and when I pressed respawn I got a message that this action was not possible since the duel was still going.

It was reset when the oponent left the arena manually but more sinister players could use this to hold you hostage until you exit the game or log out.




2025-02-01 03:01

reporter   ~0046101

This is the friend who died and was stuck after he clicked release with the duel not registering completion.


2025-02-01 03:02

developer   ~0046102

How did you die? It should not be possible to actually die in the garden, the duel ends on what would be the killing blow.


2025-02-01 03:13

reporter   ~0046104

Beats me, he was playing Witch hunter and was stabbing me in the back and then suddenly I just died. Pressing respawn soft locked me as the box dissapeared, I remained dead and I got a message in the chat saying the duel was still going.

Did not happen the other times, just that first time.


2025-02-01 03:17

reporter   ~0046105

I have some screenshots of Dunmar dying at bug report 0023931.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-01 02:58 Dunmar New Issue
2025-02-01 02:58 Dunmar Tag Attached: bug
2025-02-01 03:01 LilyKatzchen Note Added: 0046101
2025-02-01 03:02 R1CH Note Added: 0046102
2025-02-01 03:13 Dunmar Note Added: 0046104
2025-02-01 03:17 LilyKatzchen Note Added: 0046105