View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023931Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2025-02-01 03:04
ReporterLilyKatzchen Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0023931: Gardens of Qu'aph - Stuck with dueling chamber
DescriptionHello Team,

I tried dueling my friend, and after he had been defeated and the duel was concluded, nothing happened and the game did not register the duel as finished. We were stuck there with no progress for the quest, and did not get teleported back above. My dead friend was simply stuck, completely unable to do anything even after he clicked release. However the game finally acknowledged the victory and teleported us back up after a few minutes. This caused us to lose some time and hopefully there may be a fix. :)
Steps To ReproduceHave to duel in Gardens of Qu'aph. It has happened twice to me.
TagsNo tags attached.




2025-02-01 02:59


stuckInArena.png (3,982,826 bytes)
stuckInArena2.png (1,605,543 bytes)


2025-02-01 03:04

reporter   ~0046103

To add; My friend -died- which, when the duel works normally, people don't die, and instead get teleported back up with full completion. We just found this out after doing another duel.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-01 02:59 LilyKatzchen New Issue
2025-02-01 02:59 LilyKatzchen Tag Attached: Scam
2025-02-01 02:59 LilyKatzchen File Added: stuckInArena.png
2025-02-01 02:59 LilyKatzchen File Added: stuckInArena2.png
2025-02-01 03:04 LilyKatzchen Tag Detached: Scam
2025-02-01 03:04 LilyKatzchen Note Added: 0046103