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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023961Return of ReckoningAbilitiespublic2025-02-18 13:22
Reportergibo Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0023961: Ranged squig pets are hitting through walls/rocks
DescriptionSince the last update on pets, the ranged squig pets are now hitting through walls.
Steps To Reproduce1- summon a squig pet (ranged)
2- attack someone in line of sight with the pet
3- have the person attacked move behind a wall (keep walls or other hard terrain)
4- the squig pet still find a way to attack despite being out of LoS and attacks are seen going through walls
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2025-02-18 13:22

reporter   ~0046201

You will need to be more specific on location perhaps, or maybe you are incorrect. This is not my experience at all with SH pet. The spine fling maybe hits you after it starts its channel and you move behind something, the poison dot will still hit you obviously, but that's about it. In fact the pathing on the ranged pet is so stupid, that if you stand behind a tree it just stops and will not path for an attack direction. If I am chasing someone around a large rock, it literally will stay on one side of the rock and only attack when the target gets in range, it wont follow at all unless I constantly make it follow and re-attack. It's more or less a turret when it comes to LOS.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-12 22:42 gibo New Issue
2025-02-18 13:22 culland Note Added: 0046201