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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023966Return of ReckoningAbilitiespublic2025-02-13 23:15
ReporterDemonito Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0023966: Devour Essence (dok) visual bug
DescriptionBy casting Devour Essence with not enough Soul Essence to sustain it, the animation will last forever, even if you die.
Will only go off if you teleport / relog
Steps To ReproduceRun out of Soul Essence energy 'til it's close to 0
Cast Blood Essence, on self or anyone else
Additional InformationThere are other similar glitches on big fights (Mara' grab / Zeal' scourge...)
However, Devour Essence happens everytime and seems to never end
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-13 23:15 Demonito New Issue