Reporter | Reaper2707 | Assigned To | Emissary | |
Priority | normal | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | |
Summary | 0024017: Dark Elf Chapter 8 Quest : As a Matter of Fact, Can't kill Arkaneth Watchcaptain |
Description | Unable to attack or aggro Arkaneth Watchcaptain that the quest needs you to kill. He is on the hill near the PQ Whitefire Tor in Ellyrion |
Steps To Reproduce | Select Arkaneth Watchcaptain, all abilities on hotbar are red and pressing any of them says : TARGET IS NOT ATTACKABLE.
Standing on him or walking anywhere near him, still same issue and he does not aggro when on or near him aswell. |
Tags | dark elf, quest |