View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0024044Return of ReckoningScenariospublic2025-03-03 22:15
Reporterxennian Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0024044: Bug population imbalance inside scenarios
DescriptionAn old bug where population imbalance occurs inside scenarios 10 games in a row or until a gm intervenes with a server reset. Order always get 12-18 peopled queued in and destro gets 3-6. this is not a case of premades not accepting queues as it happens double digits games in a row. see urls for killboard beneath. its been fixed in the past by ninja server resets when i spoke to wargrmnir but it does happen every couple of months. not sure what causes it:
etc etc

keep in mind games close due to population imbalance inside..
Steps To Reproducenot sure
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2025-03-03 22:15

reporter   ~0046282

Check the time stamps of the game, and you can see more of these happening within the time frame if you scroll through the linked characters played game.. the idea that 10 different destro prems would coordinate 10 quitters within half an hour while having quitter timer is ridiculous. we dont even have a big enough player base to facilitate 10 destro prems queueing sc..

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-03 22:02 xennian New Issue
2025-03-03 22:15 xennian Note Added: 0046282