Reporter | Mandodlenn | Assigned To | Rubius | |
Priority | normal | Severity | block | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | assigned | Resolution | open | |
Summary | 0024050: [Bilerot Burrows] Inside Bile Lord, no innard to fight, 5 from team ejected out, 1 left behind, kill not validated for him |
Description | Once inside the Bile Lord in Bilerot Burrows (BB), there was no innards to destroy. After about 10s, five from the team got ejected and could kill the boss. But the one left behind was trapped (screenshot 0), and upon Lord death got plenty of "too far from boss" (lol) yellow messages in chat, no kill validated, but still the lockout (screenshot 1).
Very irritating bug. |
Steps To Reproduce | Sorry but I do not want to try to reproduce it...
We had 1x AoE Monstro Mara, 1x 2H Choppa, 1x WE as DPS, BG tank and SH/DoK healers. Only DoK trapped inside. |
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