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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0024054Return of ReckoningAbilitiespublic2025-03-06 15:54
ReporterFontaami Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0024054: [PTS] Changer's Echo ability does not work with Transference tactic
DescriptionIt seems that the new damaging ability Changer's Echo isn't synergised with Transference tactic. Considering that it is direct damage ability, even though delayed by 5-second Hex timer, I deem this is a bug.
Steps To Reproduce1) Get Transference tactic from Witchcraft mastery path.
2) Get Changer's Echo ability from the same path.
3) Hit something with new ability.
4) Open combat log and confirm no siphoned healing is returned to you.
TagsAbility Test - PTS




2025-03-06 11:47


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2025-03-06 12:31

reporter   ~0046299

Word of Pain and Boiling Blood are both considered DoT damage abilities and not Direct damage abilities. By the same measure, Changer's Echo shouldn't count as a direct damage ability according to its tooltip (and in game behavior).
The only exception to this rule for targeted abilities that I'm aware of is Slayer's Inevitable Doom.
I think it's better to make an arguement for it synergizing with Transference in the PTS patchnotes post because I don't think the current behavior is a bug.


2025-03-06 14:28

reporter   ~0046300

@leftayparxoun Thank you for your input. I do not play either bw or sorc or slayer so I will believe your word.
But if what you say is true, why then "the only exception to this rule for targeted abilities that I'm aware of is Slayer's Inevitable Doom"? Isn't this should be fixed then instead by this logic?


2025-03-06 15:54

reporter   ~0046301

I assume it's a case by case balancing decision. Maybe the multiple number of hits are what makes it count as direct.
Take a look at this ticket if you'd like

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-06 11:47 Fontaami New Issue
2025-03-06 11:47 Fontaami Tag Attached: Ability Test - PTS
2025-03-06 11:47 Fontaami File Added: Disari_001.jpg
2025-03-06 11:47 Fontaami File Added: Disari_005.jpg
2025-03-06 12:31 leftayparxoun Note Added: 0046299
2025-03-06 14:28 Fontaami Note Added: 0046300
2025-03-06 15:54 leftayparxoun Note Added: 0046301