View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0024055Return of ReckoningQuestspublic2025-03-09 05:10
ReporterZaru Assigned Toekalime  
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary0024055: Problems with Explorer’s Kit Tomes: Book of BOOM Quests [Order]
DescriptionOn failing to kill the demon and then abandonning the Quest all questitems disappear.
After killing Doctor Ebbe again, the Questitem Desecrated Symbol is in the inventory but not "right-clickable" to restart the quest.
Reinhardt Nachtblum doesn't have a quest to get it neither.

This seems to be really buggy.
Additional InformationOn Character "Zarufire"
Tagsbug, quest, The Book of BOOM


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-07 05:30 Zaru New Issue
2025-03-07 05:30 Zaru Tag Attached: bug
2025-03-07 05:30 Zaru Tag Attached: quest
2025-03-07 05:30 Zaru Tag Attached: The Book of BOOM
2025-03-09 05:10 Emissary Assigned To => ekalime
2025-03-09 05:10 Emissary Status new => assigned