View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0024071Return of ReckoningScenariospublic2025-03-10 22:47
ReporterHazmy Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0024071: City Siege Gate Summon NPC Too Slow
DescriptionThe Giant NPC you summon to help destroy the Gate in Stage 1 is too slow to get there in time. Also if he is killed he won't make it back in time to destroy the gate alone without the helpers that currently don't respawn - see below.

This combined with Bug 0024070 causes the attacking faction to almost always lose Stage 1 by Default.
TagsCity Siege, Gamebreaking


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-10 22:47 Hazmy New Issue
2025-03-10 22:47 Hazmy Tag Attached: City Siege
2025-03-10 22:47 Hazmy Tag Attached: Gamebreaking