View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0024109Return of ReckoningAbilitiespublic2025-03-22 13:34
ReporterTuxedomoon Assigned ToZumos  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0024109: Phoenix rejuvenition enchantment heals only AM himself on 5 force stage.
DescriptionThe grouphot should heal all group members with force 5 but it does not. it heals only the casting AM.
Steps To ReproducePump force to 5 and then cast the group hot.
Additional InformationI was not in group so far to test it, but i heared of this behavior from some player who could not log to bugtracker.




2025-03-22 05:56

reporter   ~0046385

Can confirm, at Force 5 it is not applying the HoT effect to anyone else in the group besides the AM who cast it.


2025-03-22 13:34

developer   ~0046398

Fixed in next patch.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-20 03:46 Tuxedomoon New Issue
2025-03-20 03:46 Tuxedomoon Tag Attached: abilities
2025-03-22 05:56 Rydiak Note Added: 0046385
2025-03-22 13:34 Zumos Assigned To => Zumos
2025-03-22 13:34 Zumos Status new => resolved
2025-03-22 13:34 Zumos Resolution open => fixed
2025-03-22 13:34 Zumos Note Added: 0046398