View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0024128Return of ReckoningGeneralpublic2025-03-22 10:46
ReporterBavradai Assigned ToNatherul  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0024128: Level 2 oil buff does not apply to alliance members currently, despite saying it does.
DescriptionI was with my alliance members yesterday during the siege of a t3 keep - during which I upgraded and spent the gold at the Keep Upgrade NPC to set oil to level 2 so my guild AND the alliance members could both place oil at the exclusion of all other non-guild and non-alliance players.
Upon getting to level 2 oil, my Alliance members stated that they could not place oil either.
Steps To ReproduceLevel oil to 2 after claiming a keep.
As a member of the alliance of the guild that has claimed the keep try to place an oil at level 2.




2025-03-22 10:46

developer   ~0046392

fix pending

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-22 10:44 Bavradai New Issue
2025-03-22 10:44 Bavradai Tag Attached: keep
2025-03-22 10:46 Natherul Assigned To => Natherul
2025-03-22 10:46 Natherul Status new => assigned
2025-03-22 10:46 Natherul Status assigned => resolved
2025-03-22 10:46 Natherul Resolution open => fixed
2025-03-22 10:46 Natherul Note Added: 0046392