View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0024136Return of ReckoningQuestspublic2025-03-23 22:04
ReporterCavalierXBL Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0024136: One Man's Junk quest not recognizing completion of a quest requirement
DescriptionIn the Empire Chapter 14 quest One Man's Junk, the system isn't recognizing the completion of the "Siege Junk Collected" requirement. The attached screenshot shows the numeric completion (or even excess completion) of the Siege Junk Collected requirement but does not indicate that it was complete.
Steps To ReproduceI'm not sure how to reproduce it, unless you'd like me to abandon and retake the quest.
TagsNo tags attached.




2025-03-23 22:04


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-23 22:04 CavalierXBL New Issue
2025-03-23 22:04 CavalierXBL File Added: Screenshot 2025-03-23 One Man's Junk bug.png