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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0024148Return of ReckoningDungeonspublic2025-03-25 22:12
ReporterXzygy Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0024148: HV First Boss Continuous Add Spawn
DescriptionThe first boss in HV appears to be doing a huge amount of damage. Two onslaught geared healers couldn't keep a defensively geared tank alive that has allegedly done the instance many times. The problem grew worse with each attempt, and we noticed that the second treant had adds under him while out of combat. When the tank died, and I caught heal agro, I was hit by an incredible amount of sprites.
Steps To ReproduceWe jumped into the boss area initially without pulling the non boss treant first, which led to a wipe. One of the only times I've ever actually wiped to that boss.

Group would not let me reset the instance and insisted on wiping. Something was clearly wrong, as the boss was attackable from range and did not respond if we stood on top of the rocks where we would normally jump into the boss pit. Our SH killed it finally, but the other boss didn't behave this way and seemed to just continue spawning adds which led to the fight becoming impossible.
TagsHunters Vale


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-25 22:12 Xzygy New Issue
2025-03-25 22:12 Xzygy Tag Attached: Hunters Vale