View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0022524Return of ReckoningQuestspublic2024-05-07 20:46
Reporterjafh123 Assigned ToRubius  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0022524: T4 elf epic quest "Unmasking the Enemy" Masked Shade can't be attacked.
DescriptionStep 13 of the quest "Unmasking the Enemy" can't be completed because the Masked Shade can't be attacked. Everytime I try to attack I get the message "Can't see your target", even though I'm right in front of him.
Steps To ReproduceTry to attack Masked Shade.
TagsNo tags attached.




2024-04-01 10:41

reporter   ~0042638

Oic_001.jpg (542,689 bytes)


2024-04-01 10:48

reporter   ~0042639

if u have a WL pet it can attack the target , so workaround would be get someone with wl pet to help pull him out of his spot.


2024-04-05 15:19

reporter   ~0042658

I confirm that NPCs cannot be attacked.


2024-04-05 19:46

developer   ~0042660

Hi all - thanks for letting us know on this one. Was able to test and confirm the mob was definitely too tricky to attack.

We've moved the mob around in the tent which should make hitting it much easier going forward. I'm marking this as resolved -- if there's any other issue with this once the fix goes live.

This will update in the next patch. Thanks for letting us know!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-03-28 04:24 jafh123 New Issue
2024-04-01 10:41 Acidic Note Added: 0042638
2024-04-01 10:41 Acidic File Added: Oic_001.jpg
2024-04-01 10:48 Acidic Note Added: 0042639
2024-04-05 15:19 rady Note Added: 0042658
2024-04-05 19:26 Rubius Assigned To => Rubius
2024-04-05 19:26 Rubius Status new => assigned
2024-04-05 19:46 Rubius Status assigned => resolved
2024-04-05 19:46 Rubius Resolution open => fixed
2024-04-05 19:46 Rubius Note Added: 0042660
2024-05-07 20:46 Vegetaplays Status resolved => closed